Friday, November 8, 2019

Free Essays on Romanticism

During the nineteenth century there was a literary transformation going on in America that changed many writers’ approach and mind-set to writing. This transformation was known as know as Romanticism. William Cullen Bryant, Washington Irving, James Fenimore Copper and Edgar Allen Poe were major contributors to the Romantic Movement. Most of the romantic writings included emotions, imagination and â€Å"reveled in nature.† (220) One poet and poem that applies not only nature, but life and death to emphasize its message, is William Cullen Bryant and his renowned poem â€Å"Thanotopsis†. A theme that is used in nearly every literary piece is nature, which Romantic poets utilize to convey their overall message to their readers. Bryant is one of the first and most significant poets in America literature. He helps get the ball rolling for the Romantic period while acting as a standard for many aspiring poets for years to come. In his poem â€Å"Thanotopsis† Bryant writes about death, and how society should not fear it but rather embrace it. He refers to nature as a woman who seems more beautiful and perceptible when you are near your time. â€Å"To him who in the love of Nature holds communion with her visible forms, she speaks a various language; for his gayer hours she has a voice of gladness, and a smile and eloquence of beauty.†(1-4) Bryant describes the after world as place similar to nature that you â€Å"lie down with patriarchs of the infant world – with kings, the hills rock-ribbed and ancient as the sun- the vales stretching in pensive q uietness between, the venerable woods rivers that move, in majesty, and the meadows green; and poured and all.†(32-42) And though you have died and left this world, you still have an afterworld to look forward to, accentuating the romantic principle of man searching for a better world.... Free Essays on Romanticism Free Essays on Romanticism During the nineteenth century there was a literary transformation going on in America that changed many writers’ approach and mind-set to writing. This transformation was known as know as Romanticism. William Cullen Bryant, Washington Irving, James Fenimore Copper and Edgar Allen Poe were major contributors to the Romantic Movement. Most of the romantic writings included emotions, imagination and â€Å"reveled in nature.† (220) One poet and poem that applies not only nature, but life and death to emphasize its message, is William Cullen Bryant and his renowned poem â€Å"Thanotopsis†. A theme that is used in nearly every literary piece is nature, which Romantic poets utilize to convey their overall message to their readers. Bryant is one of the first and most significant poets in America literature. He helps get the ball rolling for the Romantic period while acting as a standard for many aspiring poets for years to come. In his poem â€Å"Thanotopsis† Bryant writes about death, and how society should not fear it but rather embrace it. He refers to nature as a woman who seems more beautiful and perceptible when you are near your time. â€Å"To him who in the love of Nature holds communion with her visible forms, she speaks a various language; for his gayer hours she has a voice of gladness, and a smile and eloquence of beauty.†(1-4) Bryant describes the after world as place similar to nature that you â€Å"lie down with patriarchs of the infant world – with kings, the hills rock-ribbed and ancient as the sun- the vales stretching in pensive q uietness between, the venerable woods rivers that move, in majesty, and the meadows green; and poured and all.†(32-42) And though you have died and left this world, you still have an afterworld to look forward to, accentuating the romantic principle of man searching for a better world.... Free Essays on Romanticism Romanticismo En los à ºltimos aà ±os del siglo XVIII y primeros del siglo XIX, ocurrieron revoluciones liberales en Europa originaron el triunfo y la consolidacià ³n de este estilo. Este es un movimiento espiritual que tiene su origen en los pensamientos del siglo XVIII, en este se proclame el individualismo a ultranza y el nacionalismo como dimensià ³n colectiva. Como consecuencia de este individualismo podemos ver: el sentimiento y la libertad, se proclama la libertad del artista y una reaccià ³n violenta contra la rigidez del academicismo neoclsico. Este era de aspecto sensible y religioso. La principal fuente inspiradora era la naturaleza. Ahora se prefiere la noche mas que el dà ­a ya que se considera donde esta el Alma del Universo, camino inevitable, para la ensoà ±acià ³n (el camino inevitable para alcanzar los paraà ­sos perdidos). Este estilo se apoya en las experiencias artà ­sticas del siglo anterior, pero sustituyendo la Antigà ¼edad Greco-romana por la Edad Media (principalmente por el gà ³tico). Tiene su gusto en los exà ³tico y en lo pintoresco para satisfacer las necesidades de huidas de la realidad que caracteriza esta à ©poca. Las comunicaciones las campaà ±as militares en Africa permitieron que aquellos lugares tan diferentes y raros, que junto con el Sur de Espaà ±a de sustrato rabe fueron muy visitadas por los artistas europeos. Poniendo muy de moda los paisajes y ambientes. Francia reemplazo a Italia durante este perà ­odo, dejando aparte la arquitectura ya que la pintura habà ­a ganando tanta popularidad. El gusto por lo medieval y por el Gà ³tico se paralizo para restaurar los edificios. La arquitectura romntica italiana supuso sin embargo una vuelta renacentista. Alemania se obsesiono con lo medieval y por su tradicià ³n gà ³tica se termina la catedral de Colonia se convirtià ³ en empeà ±o de carcter nacionalista. Espaà ±a se incorpora tarde al movimiento romntico que dura mucho tiempo en el r...

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